Are you getting ready to plan your engagement? Here are 6 steps to think about when picking the perfect ring for your bride to be!
1. What is Her Style. Is she dainty and delicate, maybe rustic and natural, perhaps casual and comfortable.

2. Is She Traditional or Unconventional? You will probably have a good idea if she is more traditional and wants a diamond, or more of a unique gal who likes something unconventional, like a Lake Superior Agate. Most women who send their partner for a Beth Millner engagement ring are right in-between. They want that perfect mix of rustic and sparkle with practicality being a must.

5. How do I Determine Her Ring Size? There are many sneaky options for getting the size right, but the best way is to have her finger sized by a professional. You may be able to sneak one of her rings and bring it into a jewelry store and ask to check the size. Beth Millner Jewelry has wish lists too, so she could come in to the store and fill out a wish list and hopefully she provides her ring size. It is best to have her finger sized for the width of ring you are choosing.
6. I can't Figure out Her Ring Size! It is best to go with a ring that has a diamonds vs other stones if you cannot get the size exact. Rings with diamonds are much easier to size than rings with other stones because they can take the heat of the torch during resizing. The most common size is a 7.5. If she is of average height and size, then this would be the best guess.