Beth is the owner, maker and official Pun Queen at BMJ. When she’s not designing and creating jewelry, you can find her talking shop or posting ridiculous cat memes for the staff’s enjoyment.

Beth's Top Picks for Spring '22
"This Labradorite Wonderland pendant is my current favorite, I seem to like the pieces best I designed most recently. A few others that are similar will be released in May! I combined this new pendant with the classic Superior Gales earrings which match almost any outfit and coordinate really well with this pendant!"

More about Beth
What was your first piece of Beth Millner Jewelry?
"Wow, well I made some friendship bracelets in elementary school, does that count?"
What is your favorite part of working at BMJ?
"I get to make art and work with an amazingly talented group of creative co-workers."
What is your favorite way to enjoy nature?
"I love to go on walks and hikes in the woods or on the shoreline of Lake Superior."
What do you like to do when you're feeling creative?
"I like to draw new designs or make them in the studio. I also like to play music with friends. I'm in a hand percussion group and have a monthly electronic music jam with another group of friends."
What's your favorite book/podcast/music?
"I am really into reggae music, but lately I have been enjoying the music of Ayla Nereo. I really enjoy listing to the “This American Life” podcast and another podcast hosted by my friend Courtney called “For the Love of Jewelers”."