Thank you 2018 for finally being over, and I optimistically welcome 2019, The year of the pig. I know (in a very sarcastic voice) its cliche to have a new years resolution but I have one. I should say I have many but, the most important one is; I need to put more focus on me. In the past five years, I have had two kiddos. My oldest is three (“going on 13”) Nina Mae Moon and we also just welcomed our son who is now two months old, Henry Van. I have always wanted to be a mom, like, when they asked kids in the fourth grade what they wanted to be when they grow up I would say “I want to be a stay at home mom and cook my kids meals from scratch”. Then I got a bit older and thought yea I could still be a mom, like, I can drink martinis, vacuum and change cloth diapers. That's super chill, right?… Then it happened. I got my dream job and its anything but super chill.

So to start off this new year on a ME note, I bought myself the Superior Gales Earrings as a reminder that parenting is ever changing like the waves and wind of Mother Superior. I love the teardrop shape and the simple wave of these earrings. They are the perfect size to catch a glimpse of and remember that I am an unstoppable force of a mom and to ride the crazy tide of parenting in style. I want to wear these earrings and remember that some days will be harder to navigate than others and, that’s ok. I may have to cancel plans because a child is not feeling up to leaving the house or I might just want to be alone and have a home day. My three year old may be challenging and throw a tantrum in the grocery store and I’ll end up leaving with no cream, coffee or anything else on my list except an empty bag of my own anger or, we might just have a perfect day of going to the lake and watching the waves crash on to the beach and play "I spy with my little eye" for hours. Parenting, like any other job, has its good days and bad days. The gale winds may blow fierce and cold today, but tomorrow we may be floating on calm waters with the sun shining.

I also bought the New Beginnings earrings in celebration of now mothering two children. Having my second so recently has changed my life is so many crazy ways. First off I want to propose that anyone with small children, especially in the dreaded carry along car seat, should be able to use handicap parking. But really, for me, it's crazy to think that since I was little I wanted to be a mom of two kids and now my dream has come true. So what's next? What do I do now? Do I keep my catering business going and send them to daycare? Do I stay home more or do I put them in toddler activities? Do I come up with a new dream? Do I...

My new beginning is to stop worrying and just be content. I will start the day just by making the bed. Anything after that is a success. For now, raising happy, healthy children and providing comfort is the greatest accomplishment. To relax and not schedule too much and to have home time is better than stressing about getting to town. I will enjoy my 2019 by being ok with not doing as much and having less stress. That is my new beginning. What’s yours?