The Beth Millner Jewelry "Jeweler Bees" Take On the Peter White Public Library Fundraiser Spelling Bee

The Beth Millner Jewelry "Jeweler Bees" Take On the Peter White Public Library Fundraiser Spelling Bee

The Peter White Public Library partnered up with Double Trouble DJs and Blackrocks Brewery for the spelling bee we couldn't resist. Dubbed a "Spelling bee for cheaters, teams could buy cheats to secure their places in the bee while simultaneously raising funds for the library.

See below our Nina happily waving her cheat to "fly over" a  wacky Japanese rooted word she couldn't spell. Also see below some less than happy looking people in bee costumes! For $100 anybody could purchase an adult sized bee costume and place it on anybody in the room, guaranteeing them a spot in the final round. This was easily our favorite cheat and all 10 bee costumes were purchased throughout the evening totaling $1,000 raised for PWPL. 

The Beth Millner Jewelry "Jeweler Bees" Take On the Peter White Public Library Fundraiser Spelling Bee

 In case you didn't know many of our team members have a healthy appetite for competition. (So did the lady behind our table). Their team actually ended up winning! 

The Beth Millner Jewelry "Jeweler Bees" Take On the Peter White Public Library Fundraiser Spelling Bee

The whole operation was phenomenal. Double Trouble did a wonderful job with the stage, sound system, and their own Bill Digneit was the perfect host. It was all smiles around the room. Partly due to Blackrocks Brewery's special honey double IPA Buzzy Joose that they made just for the sip and spell. Mostly due to the good company and the great cause that we were all there for. 

The Beth Millner Jewelry "Jeweler Bees" Take On the Peter White Public Library Fundraiser Spelling Bee

We've heard that this event is hoped to become annual and you can bet your stingers that the Jeweler Bees will be back for more!