The community of Northern Michigan is bustling with fantastic organizations that seek to better the world around us. Many share our core values of art, environmentalism, and human rights. Our business is supported by this flourishing community and it is an integral element of the Beth Millner Jewelry business model to give back as much as we can.
In 2017 we raised over $4,000 for the handful of organizations that participated in our Fundraiser Jewelry Program.
Those organizations include:
- Superior Watershed Partnership
- Superior Arts Youth Theatre
- Upper Peninsula Land Conservancy
- Julia Nestingen- Palm Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Moosewood Nature Center
In addition to raising funds through fundraiser jewelry, we were also able to donate $900 to The Marquette Women's Center following our Ladies' Night event downtown Marquette.
Cash donations are not the only thing we offer. We have also been fortunate enough to be able to donate jewelry to a variety of local causes for silent auctions and such. We set aside a quarterly budget specifically for such occasions and try to meet as many requests as we can. Many of which are featured in the collage at the top of this article! See if you can spot an organization you recognize.
We are continually humbled by the support of our community and as long as we are in business will never stop giving back.