Back in 2012, I was an 18-year-old senior in high school and lifelong jewelry addict dragging her mother to Beth Millner Jewelry’s grand opening. I don’t recall why or how we ended up outside the shop, but when I see the word “jewelry,” I am a moth fluttering to the bright light.
When I opened the door and peered inside the display cases--in what was once a single showroom--it became love at first sight. Beth’s work felt like an encapsulation of myself, from the nature inspired designs, to the sustainable production and practices of the business--I knew I needed to own a piece of her work.

On the beach of Lake Superior with some of my favorite jewelry.
I hemmed and hawed over whether I should invest all the money I had earned working at Quiznos, but my mom was the voice of reason hanging over my shoulder reminding me that next fall I would be off to college—a.k.a. broke. I walked out empty handed that day, but wouldn’t stop rambling about when I’d be back to make a purchase.
Fast forward to today, and not only have I purchased pieces from Beth over the years, but I have been fortunate enough to have worked for Beth, and now get to take part in being a BMJ Ambassador this summer. I wonder what 18-year-old Hannah would think…

Modeling the Pictured Rocks pendant while hiking at Pictured Rocks in Munising, MI.
I became a Yooper transplant and Marquette resident when I was 13-years-old. After graduating from Marquette Senior High School, I went on to attend Michigan State University and received my B.A. in Professional Writing. Post-grad, I had a rough go of trying to find a career fit, and it feels as though I have worked every type of job under the sun. Many of the jobs in my degree field were ones that required me to relocate to big cities--NYC, LA, Chicago, etc.,--something my college freshman self did not consider. The idea of living in a concrete jungle made my stomach turn, especially when I was the type who lived for driving down 550 and seeing my phone say, “no service.”
For years I took jobs that I could to keep me local, until finally, living in my hometown no longer felt financially sustainable--and then the pandemic hit. I had four different employers in 2020 alone, had moved to California and back, used up all my savings… I don’t have to tell anyone, we all know it was a hard, and terrifying year for most. However, a silver lining did emerge from the pandemic--work from home becoming the new norm.
Now, I am lucky enough to have a job where I can WFH. About a year ago, I was devastated and heartbroken that I had to tell the BMJ team I couldn’t return as a staff member to a job I adored, and was planning out my relocation to a city I didn’t want to reside in. Today, I get to write this blog as an ambassador for BMJ, and I get to stay in the town that has my heart.

Wearing my Lake Superior pendant, happy to be home!
Beth’s work and business practices have always been something I admire greatly. Now more than ever, I appreciate how her designs resonate the feeling of home, comfort, and peace for me. As I wear my Pictured Rocks pendant and catch a glimpse in a passing reflection, I smile knowing I am at home, and I get to stay right here. I get the opportunity to make an impact on my community, and give back to the place I love, just as Beth does every chance she gets. I walked into that Beth Millner Grand Opening in 2012 just wanting to buy some new jewelry, not knowing that almost 10 years later, I’d acquire a lot more than just beautiful pieces of wearable art.