This July, we're excited to announce that we'll be releasing two Fundraiser Pendants! One for the Upper Peninsula Children's Museum, and one for the Peter White Public Library. These pieces will replace the Upper Peninsula Animal Welfare Shelter and Hiawatha Music Co-op pendants, which will retire at the end of June and July, respectively.
Upper Peninsula Children's Museum

The UPCM provides educational, family-friendly entertainment for our community. While it was designed by and for kids, any adult who has been there will tell you that it's a fun place to visit regardless of age! The Museum initially opened in 1997 but has grown since then.
On their website, they describe their organization as "an umbrella that includes an interactive museum featuring displays and innovative programs within the subjects of Art, Health, Science, Communication, Global Issues, and the Environment and related youth empowerment programming. The UPCM provides a unique place for children and families to learn through participation."
Our Reach for the Stars Pendant was released on July 5! The UPCM is an awesome organization and a portion of the proceeds from each pendant will support their efforts.

Peter White Public Library

The PWPL has been a pillar of the community for over 100 years! Like all libraries, they provide essential community services that reach beyond housing books. Their collections include magazines, DVD's, CD's, art prints, and e-books. They offer e-resources and internet to community members that would otherwise lack access to these services and offer meeting centers for public use. They are a United States Passport Agency, proctor exams, and host various programs and exhibits. Additionally, they house extensive collections on local history and genealogy.
We encourage EVERY community member to get a library card and a Tree of Knowledge Pendant! These pieces launched on July 12th and a portion of the proceeds from each pendant will go back to this vital community organization.

Keep an eye out for these pendants this summer and stay updated on their progress on our social media pages!