The Marquette Regional History Center is celebrating 100 years of service to the Marquette community, and here at Beth Millner we're celebrating with a centennial fundraiser pendant!
The Design
The design will feature Harlow's Wooden Man - a local celebrity, and the namesake of the History Center's quarterly journal. The pendant will be made out of recycled sterling silver, and will include some of Beth's classic landscape designs. The wooden statue currently sits just off the local bike path on private property, but can be seen when the leaves are falling. This was taken into consideration when creating the pendant, and the unique design makes it particularly perfect for anyone who loves Marquette history.
Who is the Wooden Man?
In 1875, Amos Harlow was walking through the forest when he stumbled upon a cedar tree that appeared to have certain human-like qualities. He cut it down, added some additions, and Harlow's Wooden Man was born.
The Wooden Man has lived a quiet life since 1875, but was married to Ada Mapes in 1891, and is an established poet (although some say his work was written by a man named Robert C. Clark.)
The History Center
As with our other fundraise pieces, $50 from the sale of each pendant will go to support the Marquette Regional History Center. The center has an extensive permanent collection, which, according to their website, "includes artifacts from the Prehistoric copper culture through contemporary times." In addition, they have special exhibits throughout the year. Currently, they're hosting The Changing Face of Medicine: A History of U.P. Healthcare, and will begin hosting Centennials in January. They also curate a research library, run family-friendly educational programs, host school visits, and offer free outreach programs for events.
We are so excited to partner with the history center, and celebrate all of the incredible things they do for our community! We hope that you'll keep an eye out for this whimsical pendant (debuting October 5), and pay the MRHC a visit in the meantime!