Meet Brooke, Shop Assistant

Meet Brooke, Shop Assistant

Brooke's creative passions and easy-going vibes make her a perfect fit for our team! She is currently attending Northern Michigan University for illustration and jewelry making and helping us as a part-time shop assistant. In her free time, she likes to cook fun recipes and listen to true crime. She is excited to work at BMJ because everyone seems fun, and she likes being surrounded by creative people.

Meet Brooke, Shop Assistant

More about Brooke:

What are your favorite Beth Millner Jewelry pieces?
"I f I had to pick my two current favorites it would have to be the new bear pendants with the stone bezel set to the bottom and the agate bracelets. I love the placement of the stone on the bear pendants along with the shape of the stones. What I love about the bracelet is that the agate is the star of the show, the texture applied to the metal pairs nicely with the piece's simplicity."

What is your favorite part of working at BMJ?
" The creative and positive atmosphere is my favorite part. We all share an appreciation for nature and art which I think allows us to enjoy work in a unique way."

What is your favorite way to enjoy nature?
" I love to look for beach glass and rocks in the summer but in the colder months I more enjoy observing and taking inspiration from the changing landscape. I have found that channeling my attention towards the beauty of the cold and using that inspiration when creating pieces distracts me from the brutality of winter."

What do you like to do when you're feeling creative?
" When I am feeling creative I have to draw or write down whatever is in my brain. If it’s an idea for an illustration then I make a rough draft just to make sure I don’t lose the idea. I just love to bring whatever idea I have at the moment to life, no matter the media."

What's your favorite thing to read or listen to?
" My favorite podcast right now is Morbid which is all about true crime. The song I am listening to on repeat right now is The Color Violet by Tory Lanez. I don’t have a book I really enjoy at the moment but The Book Thief is one I want to read again."