New Beginnings- By Erika Vossbeck

New Beginnings- By Erika Vossbeck

When we take the time to reflect on the natural world around us, we can see the world cycling through transitions and forming patterns over time. Nothing ever stands still nor maintains its current state for very long, and while we may have four distinctive seasons we see change each and every day. Although I don’t get to experience much seasonality living in western Washington, whenever the seasons change, especially fall to winter, I feel a big push to make an internal change. With the days growing shorter it can be hard to adjust to more darkness than light. It’s hard to say goodbye to the warmth of summer and the colors of fall, only to welcome the cold and wet months ahead. But with every season’s end, comes a new beginning, a blank slate, a time to start fresh!

New Beginnings- By Erika Vossbeck


Beth Millner’s New Beginnings series is such a beautiful reminder of this, a time to hold memories from the past tight, but move forward and look ahead to what’s to come. My favorite is the mixed metals New Beginnings earrings and pendant. The contrast of light and dark between the sterling silver and brass as the sun rises and illuminates the surrounding darkness is such a perfect illustration. These pendants and earrings are so beautiful on their own, but what’s more is that they’re a great reminder that every day is a new day, a day for new beginnings and exploration, a day for change and for discovery.

New Beginnings- By Erika Vossbeck

With the new year coming, now’s a great time to initiate a change in one’s life, to do something positive and look forward to a new beginning. I recently read a study that stated, Americans who participate in New Year’s Resolutions are ten times more likely to succeed than those deciding to make life changes at other times of the year. So go ahead, make a change and welcome the endless possibilities that await you!