Coming Soon - NEW Hummingbird Jewelry
In early May the Hummingbirds return to Northern Michigan, and on May 3, they'll be coming to Beth Millner Jewelry! We'll be introducing our new Hummingbird Garden line just in time for Mother's Day.

Hummingbirds can fill any garden with life - they are colorful, quick, and are drawn to bright, beautiful flowers. Like our bee and butterfly friends, they are important pollinators and natural bug repellers. They're attracted to places with a variety of flowers that bloom continuously throughout the warm season.

This series is one of our largest releases in awhile - we'll be introducing new pendants, earrings, rings, and Wonderland pieces! Our Wonderland's will feature stones that were found, cut, and set by Beth herself! This is the first time her stones will be hitting the shop floor.

We're so excited to share the finished pieces with all of you on May 3. Now that the snow is melting and the sky is blue, we hope that you'll stop by the shop in downtown Marquette to check them out.